Big Brother season 24 cast Kyle Capener is from Ohio.
According to Cheat Sheet, he is believed to be unemployed. Before becoming CBS’s BB’s cast list, he accumulated a fan following on TikTok and Instagram.

The internet sensation Kyle recently celebrated his 29th birthday on May 18, 2022. After scrutinizing his IG feeds, Kyle loves to travel. He often shares his traveling images on this platform. TikTok rising star Kyle began traveling solo and recently spent a couple weeks in Hawaii dog-sitting.
The Big Brother Houseguest describes himself as a genuine guy and goofy in pre-season interviews.
The whole list of 16 house guests on CBS’s Big Brother is Paloma Aguilar, Michael Bruner, Jasmine Davis, Daniel Durston, Taylor Hale, Terrance Higgins, Brittany Hoopes, Ameerah Jones, Nicole Layog, Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli, Indy Santos, Alyssa Snider, Matt “Turner” Turner, Monte Taylor, and Joseph Abdin.