Truth is stranger than fiction. What would happen if our government gets away with all the high-profile crimes it is committing against us? One valid answer that I never saw coming, is copycat crime.
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By Sage Marshall, 29 April 2024
On April 22, the Gardiner Reedsport Winchester Bay Salmon Trout Enhancement Program (STEP) reported that someone had broken into its hatchery during the night.
“What would possess someone to do something like this?” wrote the organization in a Facebook post. “Last night someone burglarized the STEP hatchery, breaking into the hatchery fish food storage room. For what? Who knows. But what we do know is they took a gallon of liquid bleach and dumped it into one of our rearing tanks. The results are the two pictures seen here: 20,000 dead Chinook Salmon pre-smolt cover the bottom of their rearing tank.”
According to STEP, the dead smolt would have turned into 200 to 400 fully grown salmon for anglers to catch while migrating up Winchester Bay and the Umpqua River in the next 3 to 4 years.
The Douglas County Sheriff and Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife unit promptly investigated the crime—and soon identified a key suspect. On Tuesday, April 23, a sheriff’s deputy was patrolling the area near the hatchery and saw a man walking along the highway. The deputy observed the man a second time behind the hatchery’s locked gate.
Excellent police work: the old “return to the scene of the crime” tactic! This also explains my first question, why only one of four tanks were poisoned that night: he was nervous. I deduce that from from 1. he didn’t do as much damage as possible when he had the best opportunity, 2. when the police interviewed him, he blabbed; and 3. he didn’t try to attack humans. That’s not the stuff of a hardened felon.
In an ensuing interview, Joshua Heckathorn, 20, of Gardiner admitted to trespassing and poisoning the hatchery smolt with fish—though it remains unclear why he committed the acts. He was promptly jailed and charged with Burglary II, Criminal Trespass, and Criminal Mischief, and he’ll likely face additional poaching charges.
He was a local, then. A week passed before this story went public, enough time that he made bail and vanished so far as the media is saying, and there’s no picture of him anywhere on the Internet. Not even at the booking websites.
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Booking Number: B24001282
Booking Date: 4/24/2024
Age: 20
Race: M
Gender: 0
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 230
Hair Color: BRO
Eye Color: HAZ
We got another tranny. That would explain no pic.
End segue
"The killing of these fish is a real blow to the STEP Program Volunteers, ODFW, fishermen, and the community as a whole," Sergeant Harris said, "In my 25 years as a game warden, this is one of the most senseless acts I have seen."
It wasn’t senseless, Sergeant. It was a copycat crime. Here’s the original:
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By Emma Richter, 3 March 2024
Nearly 800,000 salmon babies died from a mysterious disease after they were just released into a California river to help improve their population in the stream.
Mysterious, they say!
The Chinook salmon died early last week after officials from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife released them into the Klamath River, which is situated above the Iron Gate Dam tunnel near at the California-Oregon border.
The dam on the 257-mile river was removed in November in an effort to let salmon, Pacific lamprey and steelheads access their habitat and to lower the presence of poor water quality.
Leaving behind UTTER ENVIRONMENTAL DEVASTATION. Topsoil gone. Aquifers gone. Heavy metal poisoning everywhere. The Cali government didn’t even do the mitigation that it promised to.
The babies, which were just hatched at the new $35million Fall Creek Fish Hatchery, died from gas bubble disease that likely left the fish with lesions and caused their gills and fins to rupture.
'The problems associated with the Iron Gate Dam tunnel are temporary and yet another sad reminder of how the Klamath River dams have harmed salmon runs for generations,' the agency said.
Bullshit the dam caused it. The dam had just been REMOVED, and in its wake, hundreds of thousands of fish died from the fish equivalent of black lung disease. Meaning, water contamination.
But of course, the Regime Media couldn’t be honest about that.
Caption: “The Klamath River (pictured) is situated above the Iron Gate Dam tunnel near the California-Oregon Border. A dam along the 257-mile river was removed in November in an effort to bring up the salmon’s population”. Emphasis mine. How’s it going? Well, that pic was a “before dam removal”. Here’s an “after” pic:
Coho Lake upriver of Iron Gate Dam, early February 2024ish, retrieved from h ttps://
Guess what, all the salmon released into that, ended up with clogged gills and ruptured fins. How mysterious!
Newscum might as well have poured bleach into that water.
What has been the result of Agenda 2030 Governments “helping us” with our “food insecurity problems”?
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25 March 2023
As drought dried up rivers that carry California’s newly hatched Chinook salmon to the ocean, state officials in recent years resorted to loading up the fish by the millions onto trucks and barges to take them to the Pacific.
The surreal and desperate scramble boosted the survival rate of the hatchery-raised fish, but still it was not enough to reverse the declining stocks in the face of added challenges. River water temperatures rose with warm weather, and a Trump-era rollback of federal protections for waterways allowed more water to be diverted to farms.
That’s actually true. The Trump admin changed the wildlife-management rule from “you must use fish ladders or similar”, to “you can catch the fish and tanker-truck them upstream”. The latter is an inferior method; however, I cannot rule out malicious compliance, that eco-nazis changed the policy for the worse in order to have a reason to hate Trump.
Not that I’m protecting BOM. That is simply how Marxists think. They will commit any crime, even (or especially) a hypocritical one, to justify their preexisting agenda.
Now, ocean salmon fishing season is set to be prohibited this year [2023] off California and much of Oregon for the second time in 15 years after adult fall-run Chinook, often known as king salmon, returned to California’s rivers in near record-low numbers in 2022.
2024 isn’t looking good, either. Not anymore.
Experts fear native California salmon, which make up a significant portion of the Pacific Northwest’s fishing industry, are in a spiral toward extinction.
It’s TRUE! and because ANTHROPOGENIC CLIMATE CHANGE, just like they said!
Anthropogenic climate change as in, them poisoning the wildlife in order to convince us that the wildlife is suddenly dying off. Thereby justifying a Great Reset.
QED. That is how Marxists think. They will commit any crime, even (or especially) a hypocritical one, to justify their preexisting agenda.
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By Richard Amaral, 4 July 2013
We’ve all copied something. We’ve all tried to imitate someone or something. But in some circumstances, people will copy or imitate violent acts…
In some way or another, I think we all copy something. From deciding what to wear, what gadgets to buy, what to read, we are all influenced in some way or other by social and commercial media. However, for those who copy the crimes they see or hear about in the media, there are 2 factors contributing to their behaviour.
First, those who copy crimes value the attention we often give the criminal in print, TV, or web. Most of us like attention. Whether we are looking for ‘likes’ on Facebook, a 15-second spot on TV, or even having our name in the back pages of a newspaper, its normal to enjoy the feelings we get from being noticed or recognized for something. And for some people, negative attention (e.g., being yelled at, criticized) is just as rewarding as positive attention.
Second, copycat criminals are already at-risk for perpetrating some sort of crime in the first place. If they do not copy a crime discussed within the media, then they will likely perpetrate another crime that won’t be as heavily publicized.
Josh wanted to be somebody important, and probably hates the world for him not having a dick anymore… who wouldn’t? I’m serious… so, he imitated the Klamath Dam removals in order to help kill off the American salmon supply. Which was a bigger story in western Oregon than everywhere that depends upon national media to tell them about State-inflicted mass wildlife die-offs.
Die-offs, that will make us Normals more dependent upon HIS government for survival.