Aldi Horse Meat Scandal: Perhaps, you may have heard about the horse meat scandal of 2013. After ten years, the wave of horse meat scandals is exploding on social media. Let’s dive into the full information about the Aldi horse meat scandal.

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Aldi Horse Meat Scandal 2023
In 2013, there was a tremendous horse meat scandal in Europe. When the investigations were conducted in several countries including, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and other countries.
There was found various amounts of horse meat were sold in these countries in groceries.
Afterward, it was discussed among several food product-selling companies, retailers, and food suppliers after Aldi withdrew beef products that contained 100% horsemeat.
Over this fraud, Owen Paterson, Former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, said “We believe that the two particular cases of the frozen burgers from Tesco and the lasagne from Findus are linked to suppliers in Ireland and France respectively. We and the Food Standards Agency are working closely with the authorities in these countries, as well as with Europol, to get to the root of the problem,”
“The French authorities are saying they are viewing the issue as a case of fraud rather than food safety. Anyone who has these products in their freezer should return them to retailers as a precaution,” he added.
Does Aldi Sell Horse Meat in the USA
As of 2023, Aldi does not sell horse meat in the USA. Aldi was involved in the horsemeat scandal when its beef products contained 100% horsemeat in 2012 and 2013. This biggest scandal affected only stores in Europe.
Does Aldi Use Horse Meat
No, Aldi does not use horsemeat in its beef products. There is no horsemeat available in the USA’s groceries including Aldi, and Walmart.
